Stylized Warrior Harek: Call of Antia

Hello everyone! 
I'm very excited to share with you my latest work, a character I love from the Call of Antia game.
My main goal in this project was to perfect the technical aspects in particular. I focused on creating each stage from scratch, which required making sure that the topology, UVs, and shaders were correct and optimized for the game. 
With powerful tools like ZBrush, Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag, and Photoshop, I rendered every detail down to the finest degree. 
While staying true to the stylized world of the game, I didn't forget to add my own unique touches. I was very intrigued by the concept and really enjoyed it.
I'm really proud of the result, and I hope you enjoy it.

February 18, 2025